Entries by Pack Law Group

The Impact of Truck Driver Fatigue On Accident Rates

In recent years, drowsy or fatigued driving among commercial truck operators has emerged as a pressing concern, with significant repercussions for road safety. In 2017, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported a staggering toll, estimating that drowsy driving led to more than 91,000 traffic accidents, resulting in 800 tragic fatalities and over 50,000 […]

How Does Social Media and Digital Evidence Impact Criminal Defense Strategies?

The role of social media and digital evidence in criminal defense has become increasingly significant. As our lives are more intertwined with online platforms, these digital footprints can be both a boon and a challenge for criminal defendants. Leveraging the power of digital evidence can be a game-changer in protecting the rights of the accused […]

Strategies to Help Overcome Professional License Issues Caused by a DUI

A Driving Under the Influence (DUI) conviction can have a serious fallout, not only for your personal life and reputation but also for your professional career. In Virginia, where professional licensing plays an important role in many services and industries, a DUI can jeopardize your livelihood. In relation to this, with help from an experienced […]

Important Tax Considerations During a Divorce

Important Tax Considerations During a Divorce Divorce brings about a myriad of changes in all aspects of your life, including complex tax and financial implications that demand careful consideration. Navigating the tax considerations can be overwhelming while you are going through the emotional aspects of divorce. Seeking guidance from a knowledgeable and qualified divorce attorney […]

Important Tips for Avoiding a School Bus Accident

Every day, millions of children across the country use school buses to commute. The high incidence of injuries and fatalities stemming from school bus accidents is deeply concerning. By following simple yet effective guidelines, parents, school authorities, motorists, bus companies, and bus operators can help in reducing the risk of school bus accidents.  If your […]

Why Virginia drivers may not stop as they should after crashes

Both the law and common sense generally tell someone that they should stop after a major motor vehicle collision. Despite both the legal and ethical requirements to communicate with others involved in a collision and notify the authorities, plenty of people still drive off from crash scenes. The hit-and-run collisions that they cause can leave […]

2 factors that often make semi-truck collisions very complex matters

Every car crash generates significant risk for those involved. At the very least, they risk expensive property damage losses that can have lasting financial implications for their household. In a worst-case scenario, people might die. Commercial vehicles, including semi-trucks or 18-wheelers, are responsible for some of the most devastating collisions that occur on modern roads. […]

3 factors that often contribute to cars hitting pedestrians

The human body can suffer grave injuries when it is struck by a moving vehicle that weighs thousands of pounds. Streets and parking lots often place people far too close to heavy machinery to facilitate basic public safety. Partially as a result of this reality, pedestrians do get hit and killed by those in motor […]

5 factors that can affect Virginia divorce negotiations

Divorce is a common experience, and many married couples in Virginia may eventually find themselves facing that process. Instead of litigating, it is quite common for modern couples to negotiate or mediate their differences so that they can pursue uncontested divorce proceedings. During negotiations, potentially contentious issues may come up that could affect the ability […]

How much will insurance pay after a Virginia crash?

The potential for a crash is always there, even though the vast majority of trips in motor vehicles are completely uneventful. Every day, people in Virginia don’t make it to work or the grocery store because they get into a car crash instead. Many of them have to deal with the headache of repairing their […]