Cave Spring Personal InjuryCave Spring Personal Injury

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Why Choose Us

When you’re facing a legal issue, nothing matters more than choosing the right attorney. Hiring someone with little experience could cost your freedom, the loss of custody of your children, or losing a personal injury case that could cost you the ability to recover damages you need to survive. The attorneys at Pack Law Group have the experience and skill you need to achieve a successful outcome. Although we are aggressive with prosecutors and the other party, we are compassionate and understanding about your legal issue. You can contact us at any time for clarification on a legal issue or if you simply need support during this difficult time in your life.

Meet Matthew Pack

As the Founding Attorney at Pack Law Group, Matthew Pack represents clients in criminal defense, family law, and personal injury cases in Virginia. This includes clients charged with driving under the influence (DUI), whether the incident happened in Virginia or out of state. Pack Law Group is pleased to have earned the distinction of the 10 Best Client Satisfaction from the American Institute of DUI/DWI Attorneys in 2015. Mr. Pack understands that an arrest for DUI doesn’t always mean you’re guilty and he will challenge the legality of your stop, the testing methods used, officer bias, and anything else that might have resulted in a wrongful arrest.

In personal injury cases, he is not afraid to take on big insurance companies and manufacturers to fight for a fair settlement on your behalf. Whether the settlement is through an out of court settlement or the case goes before a jury, you can depend on Mr. Pack to hold the party or parties responsible for your injuries accountable. While he understands that money can’t undo pain and permanent injuries, he firmly believes that if you have been injured as a result of another’s negligence you are entitled to a sizable settlement from those who impacted your life so dramatically.

When it comes to family law concerns, working with Mr. Pack means you have the benefit of knowing he has been through similar challenges. He had to fight for the right to see his own children and was ultimately successful in this endeavor. His own experience, along with representing both mothers and fathers in custody situations, gives him a unique perspective to assist in your case. Child support, divorce, alimony, and property division are just some of the other family law issues Mr. Pack can assist you with.

Meet W. Cameron “Cam” Warren

As Pack Law Group’s Managing Attorney, Mr. Warren assists clients with legal matters related to DUI defense, criminal law, family law, and personal injury. He has a special interest in father’s rights in cases involving child custody, divorce, and visitation. Like Mr. Pack, Mr. Warren had to engage in a legal battle to remain actively involved in the lives of his children in a case that spanned multiple states. This experience made him passionate about seeing other fathers represented well in family court.

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[/et_pb_code][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.3.2″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”]If you have been charged with a drinking and driving, Cam Warren is the defense attorney you want on your side. For more than two years, Mr. Warren worked as a DUI prosecutor for the Commonwealth of Virginia. This gives him an intimate understanding of Virginia DUI cases from the perspective of the prosecution, starting with your initial stop by a Virginia police officer. He knows the tactics prosecutors use and aggressively challenges each one of them.

Learn More About Our Practice Areas

Mr. Pack and Mr. Warren are available to assist you with a wide range of criminal cases. Some of these include:

  • DUI/Traffic Violations
  • Assault and other violent crime
  • Murder/Homicide
  • Computer and Internet crime
  • Drug possession and sales
  • Sexual crimes
  • Theft and other offenses involving personal or commercial property
  • White collar crime

Although it’s frightening to be charged with a serious crime, remember that you’re innocent until proven guilty and that the burden of proof lies with the prosecution and not you. The prosecution must prove your guilt beyond any reasonable doubt and receive a unanimous decision from the jury to convict. It is also essential that you work in your own best interest from the moment of your arrest. That means refusing to answer any questions without an attorney present. You have the right to legal representation during every phase of the process from the initial arrest to the court trial.

We also represent people charged with DUI or another traffic offense. This can include things such as speeding, reckless driving, and driving after license revocation. While you might not go to jail for non-DUI offenses, your right to drive freely is at risk. You’re also subject to increased auto insurance rates and one or more fines, depending on the nature of the offense. We work hard to defend your innocence and keep you an independent, productive member of society.

As discussed above, both Mr. Pack and Mr. Warren have extensive experience dealing with family law issues. They know first-hand how emotionally devastating and stressful it can be to face a divorce and/or custody battle. While they want to see the situation resolved as amicably as possible, their allegiance is to you and your children.

At a time like this, it’s reassuring to know that another person cares and will fight for your best interests. Even if you want to get through a divorce as quickly as possible, understand that decisions you make now can affect you for years to come. You really don’t want to do this without legal representation.

Have you been seriously injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence? Perhaps you have been injured by medical malpractice, a defective product, or through a slip and fall accident. No matter what the situation, the experienced Virginia attorneys at Pack Law Group will fight for your right to a fair settlement. Compensation can include the following:

  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning potential
  • Past, current, and future medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment or companionship
  • Punitive damages

Our office is located in Bedford, Virginia and we serve clients in and around Bedford, as well as Bedford County, Campbell County, Botetourt County, Franklin County, Amherst County and Lynchburg.

Ignoring a legal issue won’t make it go away. We urge you to contact us today for your free case review so you can obtain quality representation as soon as possible.
